Voyage To Atlantis- The guitar there is a perfect compliment to Ronnie's voice! A very underrated solo by Ernie is "Under The Influence". But you can't go wrong with Ernie when he gets cranking on a track. Definately one of the best intro's EVER to ANY song. Not Ernie's best playing, but at the same time, it is. To this day, it has to be one of the most beautiful songs and lead guitar work ever released. His crowning glory, with the Isleys, hands down, is "Voyage To Atlantis". From the same album, "Ain't I been Good To You", his leads are STOOPID. His blistering octavia flavored leads on the cut "Live It Up" used to be played to death on black radio. That said, Ernie as a rock guitarist, was paramount. EVERYBODY, black and white, dug the Isleys. But because the Isley's used these elements, it got them more airplay and they brought Jimi's style of rock with them, uncut. The Isley's 70's sound was basically Stevie's Moog bass line driven funk, Sly's political lyric slant topped off with Jimi's groove and also Jimi's rock leads. More so I would say Ernie was getting Jimi's sound to more people, especially black people, more than Jimi himself ever did. As far as Ernie, he was the only cat, besides Hazel, that was seriously carrying Jimi's torch. Living with them for awhile, playing with them for awhile, etc. The general public truly believed that it was actually Jimi playing on "Who's That Lady" and "Summer Breeze", largely because of the connection that Jimi had with the Isley family. Isley was considered the "next Hendrix" in the 70's. Man, I've stated this countless times on here.